Keeping Busy

Hey everyone!

I want to get into the habit of writing here regularly, I used to write a blog post every week when I lived abroad but since coming back to England and becoming a mother, I didn't feel as though I had anything to say.

Now I am getting back to having my own life; I'm out of college and will be going to university before I know it. I have so many ideas and my love for art has grown and grown over the past few years. So it's a good a time as any to start my blog up again!

Today I want to show you what I've been working on this week. As part of a summer project, I'm doing a series of mini projects. The theme and inspiration for the mini projects all relate to summer. And for each project I want to create at least three textile outcomes.

I've just completed the first mini project that was based on the film "Call me by you name". I kept this one quite short, which suits me just fine. Being able to decide how much time I spend on any one thing is definitely a highlight to independent working.

To start my sketchbook I (of course) did a mind-map and a mood board that will cover the whole project.

And then I jumped right into my first theme. I did some watercolour peaches and I'm ridiculously proud of how good they turned out! I've never done anything other than plain shapes in watercolour before. I may do a little step-by-step tutorial on them another time.
